Specs shopping is a nightmare, and to add insult to injury, I need progressives (tri-focals.) My prescription lenses cost $450-500 so with frames ranging from $200-400 I’m looking at $650-900 for a new pair. Plus, I want to get my new prescription put in my (2 year) old glasses frames for back-up, and because I LOVE them. I got REALLY lucky 2 years ago when I found my silvery-mauve and lime green frames at my opticians. This year their selection wasn’t so good. I’ve been to 4 different (reputable) shops in a neighbouring town and tried on glasses until I was worn out.

I have a bias for cats-eye and round frames and I need a big enough shape to take the progressives. Any candidates in this lot? DH just says he likes my current pair and volunteers no opinion. I do have a first and second place pick, but I want a cooling off period. (Eye check-up and new prescription was today.)

#1 my current pair from 2017
2-9 what I tried on (and like Janet posted in her thread - selfies make glasses seem larger than they really are, it seems!)

Edited to add #10 my 4 year old Kate Spade glasses from 2015

Thanks for looking.

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