Happy November! Hope everyone is feeling good about their seasonal wardrobe edits and additions. A few days ago, I suggested a month-long “shop your closet” challenge as a means of avoiding the holiday-season pressure to browse/buy, and perhaps establish some better habits along the way: https://youlookfab.com/welookf.....r-november

To me, shopping your closet means enjoying and appreciating what you have, and seeking out new combinations rather than new items. Each participant should feel free to set their own parameters -- you’re only accountable to yourself! For some, this challenge may mean a full month-long shopping ban on anything style-related. For others, it may mean a shopping ban for specific categories with exceptions for high-need basics and essentials. Or taking a break while at home, but making some shopping allowances for vacation souvenirs. The goal is not to feel deprivation or stress or run out of socks halfway to laundry day! The core of the exercise is simply to identify the categories that feel like "needs" but aren't really, and find ways of satisfying those "needs" through one's own closet. If you encounter some real needs along the way, that’s okay too!

At the beginning of each week, I’ll try to be on top of posting a general discussion/check-in thread. Others should feel free to post their own individual updates as convenient, including whatever sort of tracking is most useful to you: WIWs, spreadsheets, capsules, Finds, wish lists, outfit creation sessions, etc.

To kick off the general discussion, I’ll pose a question to the group (and come back later with my own thoughts):

Do you have any shopping habits or patterns, bad or good, that you are aware of? Is there anything about the way you shop that you would like to change, or have worked on changing?