This is a good challenge. I generally am pretty good about wearing what I want, even if it exposes parts of me that I don't find too flattering (generally cellulite on the backs of my thighs). I was actually thinking of finding some longer-length shorts because of this problem, but now I see that I should just buy what I want and not worry about it.

The summer of 2015 taught me this lesson the hard way. I developed an allergic rash over my body. Once the initial feeling of self consciousness wore off, I enjoyed my summer, bad skin and all. I was very relieved when my skin eventually healed and this summer I was not at all worried about my pale skin or blemishes.

I'll be joining the bare arm brigade - if and when the weather co-operates. To be honest, though, this is my usual stance for the summer: I prefer to cover up, but refuse to be uncomfortable on the few really warm days that we have. Life's too short!

If it ever warms up and stops raining, I'm in. I do this every summer, The beginning of the season is always discouraging, as I uncover all the smoke and mirrors of winter dressing. But after a while, especially as it gets too warm and humid to care, I just wear what's comfortable, and jiggly arms, fat knees, and cellulite get their day in the sun. Like I say, anyone who doesn't like it can look away.

Brilliant challenge.

I've never had issues with exposing my bare arms, so for my Summer Body Stand today I'm wearing my favorite lacy bra under a pretty but thin light-colored T-shirt that does not skim over the bumps and bulges. HA!

ETA: So it starts raining. Wet T-shirt, my worst nightmare :-/

I guess that one of the benefits of aging is that you can look back at photos of when you thought you looked awful - fat, whatever - and realize how good you looked. I still get frustrated sometimes that I look so different from what I consider my younger-best, but less so all the time. The more I just pick what I like and wear it the happier I am, so my challenge is to do THAT instead of trying to recreate my younger thin preppy heyday.

Thirkellgirl, I had an interesting conversation with one of my very young radio colleagues last night at a concert. He just turned 27 and he's thoroughly convinced that not everyone looks best when they're young. He believes that many people look more *themselves* as they grow older. Almost like youth = generic. I thought that was interesting, even though I joked that sometimes I wouldn't mind looking just a teensy bit more "generic."

Janet, I like your colleague's thinking. Sounds like a profound young man.

I agree with your colleague Janet. Youth has a beauty that is undeniable but as we age we become more interesting and often more truly stylish.

I'm in, though it looks like it will not be remotely summer like here for the next several weeks. I used to hesitate about showing any part of my upper legs but will wear a shorts/romper outfit.

(Wow. I can barely keep up with this thread).

Aida, I’m sure that will make a great read - and you’ve made incredible progress.

Shevia, you are a stylish role model to your kids.

Carla, curly hair is good.

Debbie, you wear sleeveless very well. Rock on.

Gigi, you are in good company here wearing shorter shorts.

Bijou, I’m glad your skin sorted itself out.

Summer and Crazyone, that’s the spirit.

Janet, you dress as stylishly in humid heat. (I agree with your colleague too).

Laurinda, fun lace challenge.

Thirkellgirl, go for it.

Suz, you are very wise.

What a great challenge. I'm another member of the extremely pale brigade + plenty of spider veins, although those things don't particularly bother me. I avoid wearing light colored bottoms because of my hips, but will wear some summery light outfits when the summer weather arrives finally.

I'll join in too. Will try and do more wiw's (been furiously spring cleaning all week, hence mostly absent on here).

I have rather wobbly arms, knobbly knees and bony shoulders...buuuut...I still wear sleeveless tops and above the knee dresses in Summer and I wear bikinis in Greece too

I've been busy and travelling, so I didn't have time to comment on the original post, but Angie, this is fantastic. I'd join in this challenge except it would be business as usual. I dress to show off my personality and I've long since made peace with my freckles, flawed skin, scars from sporting injuries etc. So I'm right behind you in your celebration of a positive body image. Bring it on!!

I think I'll wear my bathing suit without covering up like I usually do. I'm not taking pics though!

I am in.
I am going to not be a slave to blowdrying my hair everyday during the summer. I will wash and wear. Already been exposing my varicose veins
Janet- I have several friends that I think really grew into their looks as they got older. I wonder if they would think the same of me !!

This is such a thought-provoking thread, I had to mull it over before responding. I love the idea of just accepting my body as it is and I feel like I am always fighting that battle. I'm going to keep this in mind as warmer weather comes and try to break out of some of my self-imposed limits.

Carla, I can't believe how straight you can get your hair!

It's getting colder here but I will think of something. Anything that draws attention to my tummy I feel self conscious about so maybe I'll work around that.

Columbine, bring on the white jeans.

Diane, Go Team Bikini. Why not!

Liz, glad you're by my side.

Smittie, good job. I'm sure you look fabulous sans cozzie cover-up.

Robin F, I look forward to hearing about your Summer musings.

Sally, go for it.

This will certainly involve something about accepting my midsection, and I thank you in advance for that.

For many reasons exercise has fallen by the wayside for the last several months (travel and work schedule and shingles) and I am struggling to get back on track - still working and traveling, and still often exhausted. Although my weight is back to normal my body has lost its tone. It's going to take a lot of work to get it back, if I even can, and I'm actually a bit afraid. That this is all occurring at the more skin-baring season is difficult. I really appreciate the spirit and the timing of this pledge, Angie. I'm in.

Viva, you look great - in fact never better (as I picture you in your power dress). Do not obsess about the lack of exercise during your hectic work schedule. Do what you can and it's all good.

Hmmm. I'm definitely in the mood for a challenge. I'll have to think about how I would implement this challenge. I'll read back through the thread for useful ideas.