I'd need a burka to hide my biggest flaw. When I was 16, I was bitten by a dog around my mouth. It tore through all the skin from below my nose to nearly my chin on the left, a piece on the right, and ripped where the skin attaches under the teeth on the inside. I had to put my fingers into the dogs mouth to physically remove it. a plastic surgeon was called to do the reconstruction. If you met me you would not see the scars, but I do. I haven't cared about my pale skin in decades and I've never minded being a little hippy. Those are things that millions of people are born with and there is nothing wrong with them. Middle age has thrown a few extra pounds at me and I'm trying to shed them, but in the meantime I'll still dress in things that are fun to me. My one real figure flattery rule is that I do balance my top and lower halves.

You are wise, Shedev. I'm sooo sorry you were bitten by a dog. I'm happy you've overcome your fears by having dogs that you love dearly too.

I grew up with dogs and had 2 pet dogs and a cat at the time, so that helped a lot.

What a great challenge, Angie!

The biggest challenge for me in the last few years has been -- weirdly -- my knees. Or the little pooches of fat just above my knees. I've always had a tendency to store weight there and it looks worse as I age. I still wear shorts and intend to wear them again this summer, but I confess that I have to take a deep breath on the first outing of the season, and may have to hold that breath a bit longer this year since I've gained a bit of fat/ lost muscle and the plump knee thing is more noticeable. But I am going to bare legs anyway. IF it ever warms up!!

I'm also in the process of transitioning to my natural hair colour. We'll see how far I get. I may have to cut it all super short because I'm not loving the in-between state of it right now especially with the long side fringe. I'm also not loving the long side-fringe, period. Just tired of it, I think. So, onwards!

I wear shorts even though my legs are not tanned (and will not be) and look like my father's. Why could I not have inherited his perfect teeth? I don't think about it much, if at all, anymore.
I will wear shorts when it warms up.
Great challenge Angie.

I'm not much of a forum participant but I want share some lines from a poem of Nayyirah Waheed that have stayed with me and certainly relates to this post.
And I said to my body, softly " I want to be your friend," It took a long breath and replied, "I have been waiting my whole life for this."

Nice quote, Jorja. And one I am happy to say that we are familiar with.

Suz, you are wise. I have never noticed your "knee bulges". All I see is Queen Radiant Health. Give the long fringe a while. I was ready to chop it all off half way too. That said, you're after your natural hair colour, so the chop is a good idea after all.

Style Fan, that's the spirit.

I'm in!! Will figure out some stuff to post...LOVE this challenge Angie!

Hmm. This means, you realise, blinding y'all with my food baby and cleavage...hehe

Ooooh, Angie, I like that challenge!! I had already sort of thought I'd like a casual denim dress because I've seen a few in pictures worn with running shoes. My shoes are Brooks and they are doing a sucky job at making theirs stylish...I wish I could wear Nikes because they do so much better. But if we are embracing the less than perfect we have to live with, a denim dress and my shoes might fit the challenge.

And then, I could say I owned something denim so that would be groundbreaking too. Except it would have to be that denim looking, not really denim material...whatever that is. The thin, soft kind for summer. Chambray?

So now to find a denim-ish dress that would look good on an IT/Apple in gym shoes! Open to all suggestions.

Love this post and reading about how so many are in for the challenge! Woohoo! I will be cheering everyone on

Not sure what mine would be; any time I notice myself being negative about a part of me I immediately work to reverse the feeling. I suppose my biggest challenge right now is that I am still adjusting to my current size. You'd think after a year+ I'd be there (seriously, why does this take so long!?), but definitely getting there. Summer might be just the ticket: I'm perfectly happy baring skin in hot weather!

(PS your legs are lovely! Another member of the Super Pale Skin brigade checking in. I am pretty much unable to tan (i.e. it's sooooo slight no one ever notices but me) so it's been easy for me to accept it )

Nice idea and sentiment! I have a lot of insecurities so if I decide to participate I'm not sure where I'd begin.

Checking in on the elephant knees thing with Suz. That never stops me from wearing shorts, though.

I'm in too. While I wish I were thinner, I'm mostly at peace with it (other than rejoining WW which I'm hating at the moment). I have spider veins and pasty legs, but I got over being too concerned with them a long time ago. Aging does change the body and bring new concerns, but in the end there are always gorgeous shoes to make one feel good! I would say that even at my thinnest I would never ever bear my upper arms so that will have to be my challenge.

Just chiming back in to say I have given a lot of thought to this challenge throughout the day. Somehow it stuck with me. It makes me feel very positive and happy.

We are our own worst critics aren't we? In reality the rest of the world probably doesn't even care. ☺️ That being said, no amount of weight lifting at the gym, can change the weird skin on my aging upper arms. After brief deliberation, I bought my usual array of short or sleeveless tops for this season anyway. No one is going to mistake me for a young woman, so I'm wearing what I want to and will be comfortable in. I do attempt to ration how much body "reality" I expose at a time.

I'm in. I've so many areas I'm not happy with that I don't know where to begin. If it ever warms up enough to bare anything, my challenge may be to wear necklines that are more open...not flattering with crepey skin and flat chest but cooler in the heat. You may also be treated to a peek at my knobby knees, spider veins ( and larger...tarantula veins?) and age spottiness included.

What a wonderful challenge! It's been Mental Health Week at my school. This kind of mindfulness is good for the soul. It's so much better than putting needless limits on ourselves and judging ourselves so harshly. That said we're all human and this is a journey ... I definitely have hang ups - summer just lets them all them all hang out. I'm pretty pasty too (there's self tanner sitting on my bathroom vanity waiting to be used so I'll wear a sleeveless top for Mothers Day). I haven't used it but I'll wear that top anyway!

Wow. This challenge has exploded and I am sooo happy about that. WOOOHOOOOO.

Chris, I’m excited to see what you come up with.

Joy, I have always admired how well you wear sleeveless tops at almost 70.

Aida, thank you. Your challenge is to figure out why you are still adjusting to your current size! You look 100% natural and at ease to me though.

Marianna, I have always admired your skin and how well you apply your make-up.

Peri, YES. Go for it. You are going to look adorable in a denim dress. Try Tencel - a VERY soft denim look alike.

Rachy, bring on the cleavage.

UmmLila, you have great legs.

Krish, extra positive hugs for you. Thanks for the cheerleading.

Jeanne, you always dress beautifully, and I miss seeing your bling.

Peggy, that’s the spirit. Rock on.

Kerry, good for you.

Its amazing how...good...we are at punishing/shaming ourselves. I easily fit into the smallest or second smallest size available in standard retail stores...and still feel like I have a big backside or top half at times! That really is an achievement
I refuse to feel "ashamed" of it though - I don't aim to highlight or hide any of my "characteristics". Just simply to feel appropriate, balanced and comfortable. So, I suppose I take up this challenge everyday.
I really reallly like your attitude Angie (and everyone else who is on board).

Angie, I LOVE this thread. Sorry I missed your morning one. I will participate by going out proudly without makeup on my nose. I have little broken veins around my nose and they drive me nuts. But I'm going to go out sometimes with a bare face -- even if it's just to the beach!

Angie, YES. Have been thinking hard on this and am finding it to be more complex (of course) than I expected. I think I've got a good handle on it finally, just slowly working my way through <3

Elisabeth, I bet you have the cutest nose. (Btw, it's never too late to comment on a blog post).

Aida, perhaps you'd like to share the issues and how you are working through them on a separate thread.

aly, that's the spirit.

This is a tricky one for me. I am often fine wearing shorts and sleeveless tops and all kinds of summer wear without a care -- UNTIL someone snaps a photo and I see what I actually look like. I am cringing thinking about it. I may embrace the challenge without the photo documentation, but that's not really accepting the challenge...

Ah, interesting, BrieN. You're right about that not really accepting the challenge AND more importantly, yourself. I applaud your vulnerability though. (((HUGS)))

Hmm maybe! Weight stuff is too touchy. The wardrobe rebuild/make-it-work + style shift part, at least, I'd be more comfortable sharing even though I feel like I'm not making a lot of progress

My biggest challenge has always been wearing a bathing suit. When I was younger and thinner I would avoid the water as much as possible. Now that I have grown into my flaws, I make a point to wear a bathing suit with my kids so they don't learn to be like I was. I am sure I have other things that I am so used to avoiding I have forgotten they are options - I will think about this challenge. Thanks Angie!

Well, I think I'll join Sara L on the zen bench since I'm pretty happy in my skin and wear shorts, sleeveless tops, bikini's, etc. as appropriate, even if my 55 year old self is showing some signs of ROT (LOL!).

However in the spirit of self acceptance I will stop blow-drying and flat-ironing my hair, and for summer just run a little leave in conditioner through my mop and let it air dry curly!

Hair today (below)...gone tomorrow?

I am in. I am particularly uncomfortable with the scar on my shoulder but will make a point to go bare armed this summer. Like Joy maybe my knees will see the light of day.