Angie's post earlier this week about an unprofessional sales associate prompts me to write about sales associates who are obvious peers (age wise) or younger who call me "hon" (as in short for honey). In the past years I've noticed a trend among sales clerks saying things like "what can I get you hon?" and "there you go hon". It really bothers me because to me it feels like a passive agressive form of belittling. Being given a flippant term of endearment by a much younger woman irks me. A few times I have told clerks that I'm not their beloved so please don't call me "hon", which addresses the issue but usually ends in the clerk acting embarrassed and not wanting to interact after that. A woman I know who teaches ettiquette was as perplexed as I was about how to handle this when I asked her about it. Does this bother anyone else? Has anyone come up with a firm answer that still leaves room to build the relationship?