Realized I didn't list a favorite. It's #2 for me. (And yeah, I felt compelled to add that, because no one else is giving it any love.)

Brocade, you say? How did I miss that? I lurv it! And those pants!

I’m with you on not having style words. I think the closest thing to a style moniker is “looks like me”.

Well, you got much more dressed up then i did for my 1st in person meetings a couple of weeks ago…i wore joggers and a knit shirt with a denim jacket….
YLF. #1 is my fav, the proportions are fab, the colors, texture and patterns are great

Wow, real clothes! It must be great to be interacting with actual people. I am consistently impressed by your ability to identify nicer pieces and put them together in simple, but interesting ways. You pay a lot of attention to quality. I think I would be happier if I took that approach - finding key quality pieces that make me really happy, as opposed to more pieces that don't make me quite so happy. Not sure that makes any sense at all, but I'd be curious to hear your approach to shopping. I feel at once overwhelmed (not enough time) and boxed in (needing to look mostly for petite sizing). If you have the time to share your approach, that would be so interesting!

Thank you, everyone! I see that Mr. T is the true star of this thread! If anyone is still reading this, another bonus pic of Mr. T (whose name is Tug) in a photoshopped Paddington image compliments of my 19 year old, who hasn't gone back to college for fall yet and has lots of their time on their hands, LOL! Yes, Angie, he is sweet, mischievous, and curious!

Thanks for all of the love for #4--as I mentioned in my reply to Angie, I tend to wear darker colors (with lighter colors layered underneath in fall and winter), so it's interesting that this outfit jumps out to several of you. I am starting to add in more white and cream stand-alone pieces, but black, navy, and charcoal gray still dominate, especially for bottoms. The silk pants are one of my favorite colors, and I've been trying to build a capsule in that color (kind of an admiral blue or petrol blue, hard to pin down at retail!) but it's hard to find.

I have more time tonight to reply to everyone (if anyone is still following along...):

Firecracker, Kelly, and Star, thanks for the clog love! They definitely evoke the 70s in my mind too! Thanks, SF, I guess I'm not the only one without style words or a moniker around here :).

PreppyPear, Kkards, and Jenn, thanks for the shout out for #1 and #2. It's interesting what resonates most with people, from a range of looks. I know I can't always articulate which looks I love and why when others post their WIWs, but it's fun to try to puzzle it out, you know?

, high five to my TRR sister! I would love a tour of your treasures sometime, if you have a moment! Suz, you should absolutely wear your clogs outside of the house! Maybe take them for a spin on the driveway and see how they handle the concrete :)? Brooklyn, thanks so much for the Chloe-related compliment!--I can see that Chloe sensibility in your style, actually! I have a couple of See by Chloe pieces (a pair of patchwork jeans that are quite low-rise but I'm keeping for sentimental reasons, and a silk skirt) and almost nabbed a Chloe silk blouse on TRR, but just missed out.

Sarah, it's so great to see you post! I would love to oblige you and talk about how I search for and find good stuff (within time constraints and size challenges, as you mention), though I'm not sure I would have anything novel to say that others haven't already articulated... I could reply here or start another thread? (and maybe other shoppers could chime in with their own tips and "lessons learned," if I started a new thread; maybe I'll do that!)

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Mr T looks like he has some terrier in him and makes for a perfect Paddingtug!

Your outfits are superb and thank you for posting the shorts outfit. Your clogs really work so well for your style and I am especially loving the snakeskin version. TRR is such a treasure trove of amazing pieces and it is wonderful to recycle gently worn designer pieces. Isabelle Marant makes gorgeous pieces and they look stunning on you. I can't pick a favourite because they are all so good. Thank you for providing this summer style inspiration.

Great to see you again!

My favorite aspect of your style is the ease of everything. Even though I know it takes work to achieve an easy, not-trying-too-hard look. So - respect. My favorite is #5, I guess I'm an outlier but the skirt feels fresh to me and the fit is perfect.

Really, when somebody has such a gorgeous hair, you can wear whatever you have clean:-) and still look killer gorgeous! Anyway, love your outfits here- clogs make for another statement I see in your personal style and the patterned one is quite unique!! YLF!!

I would love that sort of thread. But of course you should only start it if it's interesting and useful to you, too. "How to shop for quality when time and budget are limited". Or something like that.

Ooo…your clogs game is strong! And we are navy blue clog twins.

How was it going back?

Thank you, Bijou, Denise, Lyn67, BJ1111, and Rachylou! Yes, Mr. T definitely has some terrier in him--he is full of attitude :)! BJ1111, it was really good, overall, to go back to campus. The nicest part was catching up more informally with a few colleagues after the meeting, when we went outside, took off our masks, and were able to talk comfortably and catch up a bit. I start teaching next week, so we shall see how that goes! Sarah, I will try to start a thread sometime soon-ish (you know how the beginning of the AY can be--hectic!).