After Angie posted about plaid I was inspired to take a look at the plaid in my closet. No surprise, more than I had realized .
Here is a sample of plaid tops I have worn since then:
1. Love the colors in this jacket thing but it is not super easy for me to style.
2. Quieter plaid with some shine.
3. Plaid top that Angie once featured but I bought second hand.
4. Recent fun find - Equipment black and white plaid shirt.

So my conclusion is that my color palette is all over the place and that I like plaid at any volume. When it gets a bit cooler I will be able to wear my plaid pants and jackets . I am also realizing that advice about color palettes seem to have no effect on me. If I find it and like it I wear it. Any thoughts about which plaids work better or anything at all welcome! Am also curious if I am alone in my eclectic color choices. Thanks for looking!

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