Inspired by Angie’s Friday outfit blog post I put together 3 (and I could do more outfits) that I wore. Too crazy? What do you think? These are all out of my spring capsule featuring navy and white. Almost all pieces are thrifted or consignment or very old.
1). #1/2: navy and white mix of 5-6 patterns worn today. The pleated skirt feels a bit short. Does it look too short? The blazer is an old thrifted Ralph Lauren linen jacket with the crest removed. I usually wear it with white slacks or jeans.
2: #4/5, 7 multicolor spring outfit with at least 5 patterns.
3: #3,6 browns with at least 4 patterns.
No photo but yesterday I wore coral and navy with multiple patterns.
I wonder what you think. Too hectic? Looking through old outfit photos I see that most have at least 2 patterns.

ETA: Tuesday’s outfit with a graphic tee, 4/5 patterns counting the graphic tee and earrings. Worn on a cold rainy day.

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