Weddings strick terror in my fashion self. I have NEVER dressed successfully for a wedding with the exception of 2017 when I developed a 'wedding guest capsule" based on fuchsia slacks. I felt wonderfully and appropriately dressed that single time.

Those fuchsia pants are woefully too large. Furthermore, they were selected for summer weddings in urban settings.

A family member very unexpectedly announced they are getting married in October. It is a destination wedding in the mountains. The wedding is a three-day event that includes the wedding, parties, dinners, hiking, photography, and probably other things that no one has told me about.

I will have one carry-on suitcase and one tote bag. The weather will be unpredictable. This event is unbudgeted but it is really important to me that I be appropriately dressed.

I won't have control over anything during these three days (i.e., schedule, hotel, dining, activities). I will literally just be "going along." My stress level will be off the charts.

I don't want my wardrobe to be a source of stress so I am developing a plan. First I am going to go through my existing wardrobe and see what I DO have that might work and what fits me. I think I may need pretty much everything from sturdy hiking boots to heavier sweaters. Obviously, I also need something to wear to the wedding itself.