I think Angie is right I am an elegant eclectic but it feels like too broad a range to work within at the moment. I realise I need more of a focus.

I love androgynous yet womanly looks & need a little arty/ creative touch before an outfit feels like me – thanks again to Angie for pointing this out in the kindest & gentlest possible way.

Also the “Have I worn it in the last year/two years?” approach doesn’t work for me – I have things I go back to again & again when they trend – like waistcoats & coats for example.

I thought about different sorts of looks & pulled some images from my Pinterest boards onto a new board. They had to be garments that could work on my body & that I would be excited to wear.

Here they are if you would like to see them:


Some of the pieces - the heels for everyday & really tight pants I wouldn’t wear - but this is more for inspiration than to copy.

After looking at these pictures for a week or so I decided the looks I want to create for this autumn/winter are:

Two looks for everyday:

· Slim bottom layered with tunic or other top & shorter jacket lots of my jackets will work with this look

· A much more casual look than I’m used to wearing, this is the look I’m not sure about but feel excited to try. Recent purchases that will work here are my citron casual raincoat, my knits & my cargoes.

Two dressier looks:

· More voluminous on either top or bottom – this works with my new slouchy pants & my older pieces mainly longer skirt & coats – my Rundholz & Helmut Lang

· Pants suits (or jacket & pants that work as a suit)

I've included an example of each look below.

Of course there will be items that work in more than one area.

So everything that will not work with these concepts is either doing an Elvis (leaving the building) or being packed away depending on whether I love it or not.

So when I started asking “Does this item fit with my current style goals?” there were only two possibilities here – yes or no.

If yes then I kept it in my wardrobe

If no then I asked myself - is it a great fitting basic or a piece that feels really great to wear? If it was a yes to either of these I’ve kept it until I see if I use it this season. This only applies to winter /trans-seasonal clothes. I have not kept many summer pieces & will be looking for a new direction for next summer.

My clothing & accessories seem , on some deep level, to be a reflection of my body image struggles and my changing thoughts on acquisitiveness. I’ve done lots of culling but things were not coming together for me. I kept trying to make decisions about the same pieces of clothing over & over again.

Stating my goals & culling those last pieces - the clothes that didn’t reflect who I want to be and the negative thoughts that went with those clothes has given me a little clarity.

Your thoughts would be appreciated.

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