Dear all,

When Carole posted her interpretations of the yellow anorak and the spring capsule from Redbook magazine, I couldn't resist trying this myself. I love a good capsule exercise ( I suppose you knew that already).

I have many of the pieces listed for this capsule except for a peplum top, a patterned pant, polka dot pencil and oxfords - and similar jackets. My oxfords are on their way in the mail, but I borrowed my daughter's suede brogues as stand-ins. I don't intend to get a peplum top, but I have a lace top that can fill its place. My red skinnies must act the same part as the patterned pants, because I don't intend to buy that either. The most difficult pieces to substitute were the jackets and the pencil. I only have blazers, trenches and denim jacket, so no anorak or dressy jackets of sorts. I substituted the two jackets with my beige leather moto and a grey blue blazer. Instead of that adorable polka dot pencil, I chose a cream colored skirt.

I didn't do all the outfits - 40 versions are just too many. I did 18, and between them, there are some I liked more and some less. A few are not even interesting and will never be worn by me again. I'll hold back my opinions until you have had a chance to share yours first.

What I would like comments on in particular:

1. The length of my black cropped trousers: Should I alter the hem?
2. Details that could tweak the outfits in a more successful/interesting direction
3. I felt that some of these outfits looks dated. Do you agree, and if you do, which ones?

And of course, any general comments and suggestions you might feel like sharing are welcome as always, too. Thanks for looking!

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