What an overwhelming response! I'm very happy about that:) Please don't believe that I put more effort into doing this than it really is. I spend about two hours all together, from taking the photos to processing them and writing the post. I'm sure you all spend a couple of hours on doing something fun & fashion related form time to time:)
Isabel, 'interpretation' would mean a translation, which only holds true for some of the outfits, but thanks anyway:)
Jenava, thanks for the honest and clear feedback. I'm very pleased that you stated why you don't care for #9.
Shannon, thank you! I realize that my wardrobe now is reaching a state where I have almost everything need to create functional and flattering outfits. It's been a steep learning curve. I'm glad you find my pants length ok, because I've been considering having them shortened. Now I might not have to after all:)
Thank you, Ceit! I'll study your picks to see what they have that make them stand out more.
Carole, thank you for posting this in the first place! I think it is very enlightening to play around with combinations I never would have thought of myself. I agree that the most obvious hole in this capsule is the pencil. I would have preferred a patterned one in neutral colors, or one with a brighter color instead, but I don't have any. I'm glad you find my pant length good enough, and I see what you mean by swapping the shoes. Good suggestion!
Suz, I'm considering having the hems shortened to make more obvious capris of the pants, but I worry that the pants are too wide for that. Maybe they are good as is. Thank you for listing your favorites, I'll study them again and take notes! I like a lot of these outfits: 1, 3, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16 (and 18). I don't care for #3 and #5, which are too messy. In general, I find tying a scarf around my waist weird, but it works with the blazer. #18 is my attempt to calm down what I think is a really ugly outfit.
June, thanks a lot for specific feedback on hemlines and silhouettes! I will consider your suggestions. My beige pencil is not the best choice, I agree totally on that point.
Angie, thank you, thank you! I'm so happy you think so. To me, #8 in particular felt a bit off, but if you say it isn't then it isn't:)
Cheryl, thank you:) I'm thinking that an inch off the hem could be improving the look, too.
BD, thank you for thorough feedback! I agree with you that the wedges are wrong with my black pants. I feel they are too casual for it, maybe that's the main problem and not the hem length? A narrower wedge would look much better indeed.
In regard of the skirt hems, so do I prefer them to hit me at my knees:) I see what you mean by tapering the skirts. but unfortunately, a tapered skirt does nothing for my tush, and I need a straighter skirt to balance my hips a little. You have only seen the front of me, where this issue isn't obvious:) Maybe 'dated' is the wrong expression here, however, I rather felt that a few of the outfits seemed like old news, #8 in particular. I'm not sure why!