This looks like kelly green? The perfect shade with red hair! Good to see you stopping by.

You look sensational in green - especislly in the shade in #4 (is it kelly green or emerald?). It is your color!

Freckles - nice to hear from you! Thanks for your kind remarks regarding my homel

Una and Sveta - yes, I would call that color Kelly Green but Land's End calls it something maybe Vine Green??? I was so excited to find this color in boiled wool, as that works really well for me in the colder months here in Seattle. I adore the look and feel and warmth of it.

ETA: 'Fresh Vine'

Sheila! How nice to see you. I am not sure how I missed this thread. You wear green so well! Love that coat in #4 on you. Shades of green\ are some of my favorite colors, but I tend toward bluer, deeper greens, which go with my eyes.

Your home decor pictures made me smile. My mom loved, loved, loved green in her home, and she would have enjoyed your decorating choices.

OMG, beautiful apartment
and i love the coat in number 4

i definitely did not see any green in shops lately

Your home makes me smile. It looks so cheerful! You are definitely Queen Green, I like the title!

Janet - thanks! I have been quite preoccupied with a number of things for some time now, so I race through posts as fast as I can and, sadly, do not take the time to respond. I should do better....anyway, glad you enjoyed my greens around the house. They do cheer me up, all the time!

Olga & Staysfit - Thank you ever so much for your compliments. This is the first time I have owned a condo and it took me a while to get my mind around it. We have big industrial-style windows and great views and typically the walls are painted white in this style but I really love color so decided to add it gradually. As you can see, I do love the strong colors and GREEN is my favorite (in oh so many shades).

I love green too. Mostly olive green. Love your home. We have lots of green in our house. Love the sound of your condo.

Sheila.... LOVED your pictures ! I love green as well and am looking at getting a bright green dress made for me for a formal event in April. I am so excited about it.

Love your coat, bar stools, hoodie, beads etc... Wow !

I have pale green eyes and used to wear olive when I was younger but now I am loving the clear bright greens.

What a treat to see these pics of you and the color green! In both your outfits and your home, you use it to create a warm, artistic aesthetic. And it looks fabulous on you!

I love green, too, and it's well represented in my interior paint colors. That helps gets me through winter, when I don't get to see it outdoors.

Stylefan - my mother dressed me in kelly green a little but as I grew up people told me that I was an 'Autumn' so of course I should be wearing olive green. Well...olive just sucks the life out of me! But kelly, chartreuse, and cleaner greens make me smile. So that is what I have decided to wear, at least close to my face. I have an olive pair of casual pants that I wear, usually with navy or blue.

Sheila - your dress sounds wonderful! I would love to see it when you are wearing it...or even just on a hanger. I just ordered a kelly green linen dress from Nordstrom Rack and am eager to see if the color is saturated enough for my taste. Sometimes online colors of green turn out too minty for me.

Windchime - thank you for your compliments! I would love to see your home and learn about your paint colors. PM me if you wish.

Just chiming in with everyone else to say that your kelly green coat in #4 looks as though it was designed for you, so glad you made it your avatar!

A fellow green fan here too, Sheila (but YLF newbie!). I love the clear kelly green of your coat. I wear different shades, but my favourite is emerald green. I have chocolate diamond ear-studs too, that despite the name, are more greenish than brown.
I really like how you have decorated your home. We have just gone for bright yellow walls and your pictures are inspiring in terms of the accessories/accent colours we could add.