Absolutely gorgeous on you. This is a dress that I could not wear - as it would emphasis my large hips, but on you it is fantastic. I think we all just have to work with what suits us. I love all your accessories and how beautiful is your white manicure??

It's funny: I never considered waist vs no waist until recently when it finally dawned on me that that's precisely what's happened to me. Seriously ? One more thing? lol. Thanks for the dress love though - makes me feel better about not being out in left field for not buying up all of the Boden and other dress stock this summer as others have here. Cute and pretty is not me. I wore this outfit to my other job yesterday and the shoes passed the 5 hours on my feet test. They are definitely not comfortable enough to *walk* for 5 hours, but for general standing and moving around, they were fine.

sat out all the boden action. combo of shape and print. you are not alone.

I haven't bought any Boden dresses either. They're fine but nothing that's wowed me enough to make me actually submit an order. I'm picky about prints and nothing has me super excited so far.

I think this looks great on you. I also am a fan of summer dresses that only touch your body at the shoulders, so sign me up for "waist surrendering".

Super late to the party, but just wanted to say that I absolutely love this outfit on you, Lisa, from head to toe!!
Totally hear you on not giving up on this silhouette too (I have the same "no-waist" issue, and don't see myself giving up on this type of dress either;-)

Wearing those exact sneakers in blue today. Love them
Dress is fab— crisp and yet not stiff. Looks perfect for hot summer days

You look wonderful! Fresh, crisp, and fab. I love the pointed toe sneakers, and I'm also a huge proponent of shift and sack dresses. Especially in the heat. Nothing better for this kind of weather.

Sack dresses don't work well for me, but I wear them anyway in super hot weather. I think there will always be a place for these, regardless of whether you like "surrendering the waist" or not. Those pretty, waist-defining dresses are great, but not what I want to be wearing when it's 95º

Love the mani and pearl! No sack dresses are not dated ,all the rage here in the recent heat wave especially blue striped ones,so you are right onthe money in the U K at least.

You look beautiful. That dress is perfect for hot days - cool, crisp and fresh. More pearl love from me too

It’s funny, I love the easy, casual look of these kinds of dresses, and I love how they look on others, but somehow I can’t get my eye to like how they look on me. Please wear so I can enjoy vicariously!

Gorgeous striped dress. (Would prefer it a bit longer, though.) Lovely, perfect manicure and beautiful pearl ring. Great summer looks.

Love it all YLF !!

I love your outfit! I wouldn’t call that a sack dress though. To me it is a shirt dress and I think perfect for a casual, yet chic summer look. Your accessories are perfect and polished.
I still have a bit of a waist, but it seems to get thicker every year. Many of my dresses are sheaths. I have a couple that are a bit fitted on top, but then have gentle pleats from the waist down.

What a great look on you! A fab dress (no waist necessary!) so crisp with those fresh stripes. And your manicure and pearl ring are perfection. I feel as you must have felt when you saw Viva: I want that!