Tulle, that again solidifies I'm not a FN, at least not purely. I will do one long, dramatic sweeping layer -- such as this beauty (I want, I want!)
Or a silky kimono. Otherwise, I don't wear a lot of layers. I've tried and it feels weird, off, like I'm trying too hard.
bettycrocker, excellent point! I think it really is all about perception compared to those around you. I'm tall enough to technically, by Kibbe's standards, to be an FN if going by height alone. I'm 5'10ish (5'11?). On some things Kibbe seems clear and in others, not so much. There seems to be a lot of fluidity to his statements?
Rachylou, Alasse, I'm going with SD! It is the clear winner
And that is a YAY moment!
Jeweled, I didn't see the innocence until you said something. And such a good question! Innocence is a big part of who I am. I can't say I ever consciously recognized it but seeing it now all over the place. My family has always called me the butterfly, a free spirit, and a tender heart. Sometimes I wonder if that is what creates some tension with the more womanly sensual side of me. But I'm also not the big doe-eyed gamine/ingenue type, nor the purely whimsical. I guess, in short, I see it in little bits here and there in my clothing/style choices, but I'm not certain how to--or if I already do --consciously express it. Thank you for giving me another expression to consider expressing!
Marina, I can totally see what you're saying about it being superficial really. I tend to feel that way about most clothing systems, to varying degrees. I think initially, I wanted to pin down my type so I could, as Approprio put it, fill in the blanks and have my perfect outfits and perfect formula. Well, that didn't happen, and I'm glad! Just having this discussion with all of you has helped me see a lot about my closet and myself.
As for Kibbe, his advice on silhouettes and lines, shapes, yin/yang, that sort of thing, I likey! The rest, the whole costumey you're this type part -- I think that impedes personal style. At least for me. I can overanalyze things so much that I forget there is great value in being me and being intuitive about it. I found this happened when I tried discovering my season, worried about always wearing or choosing the perfect colors. Finally realized it for how much fun I would be missing if I didn't occasionally wear the wrong color, try things, and just enjoy my clothes and the process of style.
And besides that...Kibbe just doesn't get lifestyle and that is probably the real frustration I've had with him! The main principles of silhouettes and lines can be applied to casual clothing. But not giving casual ideas, casual examples -- that would have been helpful, I think.
I'm so glad you chimed in!!
Approprio, oh thank you!!! Okay, yes to SD! I do see it in us both. It is quite interesting to see how different and yet how the same it is. Sidenote: I really love that dress, and the whole outfit. It felt like it was really me without trying hard. I would love to see your version of Hello 70s!
We've had good discussion about this all. If anything all our asking questions and deep discussions have helped me see beyond my Kibbe type (SD, I really am going with it!). It's helped me think about my own personal style, about clothes, and about who I am. That is infinite wisdom and solution than just having type I can fill the blanks in. But it is helpful to understand why certain lines and silhouettes look best on me. However, I see how I want to trust myself more, and not get hung up in having the perfect outfits or makeup on -Kibbe or no Kibbe.