Fascinating discussion, Keturah. I've never taken the quiz itself, but, from what I've followed I'm the forum, I'm pretty sure I'm also a SD. I would be perfectly comfortable with this if I had a fantasy life. SD looks are fairly, er, noticeable when you work at a small christian college in the midwest. When I'm singing and on stage, it's great, although even there I feel there is a cultural bias toward more angular bodies - particularly as one gets older. And I'm struggling with athleisure looks that would fit my location --- they just look odd on me.

As I look through your pics, I do see definite elements of FN style, and I think having more than one type can give you great freedom to explore a wider range of silhouettes and combinations. Perhaps you can be both-and, instead of either or!

Chiara, ah typing... yes, backstage lot did that! I think it comes off so crazy to us because we live in such different times, so much more casual. And yet, we are quickly moving away from standard middle class dressing, too. Everything is about labels and wealth. I find it all fascinating.

I appreciate your point about making the best of what we do have! Hollywood did that with Joan Crawford. Rather than disguise or minimize her shoulders, they played them up. It really did wonders for her. And honestly, I think it might be a really good thing to do. May try it for my waist or hips??

Firecracker, glad the discussion has been of use to you! For myself, I'm seeing where I need to focus on lines, trust myself, and then do a little objective WIW feedback. I've found my Pinterest board inspires me too. My lifestyle (or budget!) doesn't support most of what I pin. But it gives me a lot of inspiration and feedback about what I like. I haven't read Kibbe in a long time... might have to find another copy for kicks!

Beth Ann, I'm from the Midwest, so I know what you mean! Trends and such just don't travel as fast to the interior states. For atheleisure, I chose to work with one element I thought would work well for me. For me, that was jogger/track pants. Then I did some Google image searches for a little inspiration. But mostly, I chose ONE element and paired it with everything else I own. See here: http://youlookfab.com/welookfa.....m-and-nude I feel it's ahteleisure lite. Would something like that work for you?

Yes! I think I can do both-and, or do a more SD takes on FN? I think Chiara made a good point for me: it's really about the fabrics/colors to hint at the natural. I also think more exotic is a good combination of both types -- Dolce & Gabbana springs to mind!

PS What college are you at? Wondering if I know it...

Thanks for the link, Keturah. I've been teaching at Trinity International University --- in Deerfield (near Chicago) since 1996. Gulp. I will be moving in three weeks to Indianapolis, so changes are coming! I'm already thinking about what I call my "handshake capsule." Basically, clothes are part of our introduction in new environments. What do I want mine to say about me?

Also, Chiara's point was perfect. Fabric makes such a difference both in look and in how we feel in our clothes! I'm all about texture and saturation of color!

Beth Ann, sorry to just get back to
You I'm originally from Nebraska and thought maybe you were at a smaller uni there. Never been to Chicago area myself but I hear it's like the NYC of the Midwest!

It sounds like it will be a thrilling adventure, or perhaps the start of a new chapter for you

Love your handshake capsule idea!! Concerning what you what your clothes to say about you... Just listened to my friend's workshop on business casual dressing. Her one tip: choose three words you want others to see you as. Then, filter your clothes through that, does this blouse say X, Y, and Z?. (I can send you the link for her talk if you like.) i found it helpful. It's a lot like the style descriptor many of us use but more of a pinpointed version.

Oh fabric!!! I love it so. I've realized a lot about my style justthrough fabric choices. We are twins: it's all about texture, drape, and color saturation for me too!