Over the last 18 months, I gained 15 pounds, all due to the change of life. I haven't gained weight in 20 years, so this took me completely by surprise. And of course I don't know how to shed it. I don't exercise but I move around quite a bit, and eat fairly healthily.

The bottom line is, most of my clothes no longer fit. This is depressing, but not as nearly as depressing as the root cause (aging, without meeting my own personal goals.)

Anyway, I spent the last week pulling things from my closet that I need to let go--like most of my suits (I don't wear them anyway.) But some were the first things I bought when I graduated college. I remember the "big deal" it was to get them...and to wear them. Not sure if I can motivate myself to discard it all by promising myself to buy myself a Chanel suit that fits in lieu of all the ones that don't.

Also tossed the bras that were 20 years old. That felt good. No pain there.

On a quest to divest myself of all the shoes that have accumulated. I have a narrow heel so I bought a bunch of Munros online and if I truly find a pair that is comfy, I will get rid of 5 pairs that aren't.

It's been rough.

Thanks for listening.