So how many people besides Beth Ann think some elements of their fantasy persona are doable? So cool to meet you all in Fantasy World.

Wouldn't this be a fun event on the YLF world tour/cruise? If only!

My fantasy life is really just a more glamorous version of my real life, to be honest. I'm obviously not big on imagination -- I've always been way too grounded in reality.

If I were younger, I would look at my photos and say, yeah, I can make that happen. I'm a little old to become a jetsetting rock star artist in my 50s+ but I'm certainly going to give it a shot.

Great thread! I had a whole file of inspiration pics and now I can't find them, which is so upsetting.

Basically anyone in a tough, long fitted coat over slim dark layers is what I wish I could be.

Una to answer your question are the fantasy pictures do-able? Absolutely! Although probably not a literal copy. I think you can glean inspiration from the pictures, that's the whole point. For example, my pictures say: Boho luxe (Stones Beggars Banquet album cover), classic Minimal (Dylan), Western grunge (Clint), Androgynous (Bowie) etc. I feel like all of these style directions express part of me.

Need to ponder why so many of my style icons are male. I threw in Kate and Nico because we have straight hair, so I relate to that.

And yeah, YLF world cruise here we come!

So fun to see all your Photos and dreams!

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I really want to know how everyone is adding these photos! My fantasy images would be of Kate Middleton, and Sarah Jessica Parker. Audrey Hepburn would be in there somewhere as well. I might add Claire Danes to the mix as well. (It's an eclectic mix, but it's my fantasy).

Staysfit, I think they are from Pinterest or copying photos from Google. I just search and copy to phone.

Angelina Jolie meets Helena Bonham Carter. No wonder my fantasy style seems unobtainable - that's a strange mix.

Fantasy vs Reality

1. Fantasy: Alison Mosshart from the Kills and the Dead Weather rocking out on a vintage guitar.

2. Reality: Me playing my awesome guitar at the Satellite in Los Angeles in front of a full house. It was my 3-minute tour for the Ladies Rock Camp showcase. Hopefully I'll get to do it next year too.

3. Fantasy: An advertising shot from Icon Motorsports for their Icon1000 line. I was sad the jacket doesn't come in my size.

4. Reality that is almost fantasy at this point: Riding at my favorite track in Pahrump, NV waaaay back in 2008. Its been 4 years since I've been on a track. By the way, this is the single most expensive outfit I have ever worn, full leathers don't come cheap.

5. Reality: Me and my Bonneville at a stop on the Angeles Crest Highway.

So my fantasy life is an idealized and perfected version of my real life.

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Desmo April, you are living the fantasy! Love pic 4.

I added some of my own and am now adding one of my first thought when I read IK's post.

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Well, since you asked...I'm not sure I've ever shared this one around. I'm in the lower corner.

dianthus the matrix was my first thought too

I don't really have inspiration photos although I am influenced by what I see here. I wear and love this tee. I'd say this depicts my fantasy life! A comic, no less!

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Fantasy life totally doable. I do participate in some of the things that build the sort of skills needed by UWP types, such as archery and sport shooting (just some of my other hobbies, really I'm not a crazy doomsday type) I've been thinking lately that there isn't anything really stopping me from exploring dressing my fantasy life further.

Love this thread so much!

Ummlila, I want to be Justice Ginsburg in my fantasy life too!

Two big ones for me have always been her and Dorothy Parker. Both of which, now that I think of it, are bada$$ as translated for short Jewish East Coast urbanites.

In more fashion-y terms, I just had fun spending a little while pinning some images that resonated with me. Basically, I want to be European and spend a lot of time pensively looking out from balconies and standing on cobblestone streets while wearing really luxurious fabrics.

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I was on a roll last night on this thread and finally had to force myself to just stop - and go to bed - BUT, there is another style icon that I absolutely love and wish that I could emulate just a bit of her confidence and unworldliness: Tilda Swinton.

For starters here is a quote of her's from when she was talking about her father and his influence on her style: "I'd rather be handsome, as he is, for an hour than pretty for a week." I LOVE that!

But - here is a quote of her's that I like even better! "It's a real comfort zone for me to feel alien." Gaaaaaah - I die!

And so - may I present TILDA - bold, futuristic, avant garde, bizarre, androgynous, subversive, tall, and perhaps, mostly chameleon - she can transform herself into a million different looks!

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Marley, those pics of Tilda Swinton are stunning! I love this thread. Makes me want to kick it up a notch on my style. Or at least try to do one of these for Halloween. I admire those of you who really know who you are....mine are all over the place. I guess I like options

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Add another vote for Sarah Connor! I agree with Caro. And Trinity from the Matrix is a great call, dianthus.

In my twenties I wanted to be Trinity from the Matrix, only no-one had imagined her yet and my friends didn't get it when I tried to explain (how cool/tough could actually be feminine/sexy). Now, if I wear black leather and shades I look like Karl Lagerfeld (sans the bling. And wrinkles.)

Now, I think, a capable lady explorer of the turn of the last century... like Penelope Cruz in the first Sherlock Holmes movie, or Dr Quinn medicine woman. Maybe Helena Bonham-Carter, a bit steam-punky too (although I'd also steal from the men). And the alter ego would be Regina from Once upon a Time. I covet everything she wears, but I could never carry off that level of polish. (Or evil.)

Katharine Hepburn, Jenna Lyons, and Linda Rodin are more the icons I emulate in my actual life.

It's fun to see who all inspires you ladies. I can't decide if it's really cool or kind of sad that my fantasy me is really just a more awesome version of me. Does it mean that I lack imagination or that my life is really pretty darn amazing? I'll choose to believe the latter.

This is the best thread ever!

#1 is my touchstone pic. It's not *the* pic -- which is in this very obscure 'zine (and it's a 'zine, not a magazine) that also tells you how to build a shelter of sticks and leaves -- but it was the closest I could find on the web. Anyways, that's Penny Rimbaud and Gee Voucher, presumably at Dial House in Essex. They did a reverse of the Beverly Hillbillies: severely industrial people gone to live in the countryside. I would love to head for the hills still in night-circus glory.

#2 is Babe Paley, because she's my fashion roots and just had to be the inspiration for the costuming for Rachael Rosen in Blade Runner.

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Fantastic thread! (Pun intended!) Great idea Una! I love seeing everyone's inspirations!

I think in my fantasy life I am a pregnant UWP Russian spy:

I love playing dress up and having different style personas for the day, so this is right up my alley! I think I'm going to start a Fantasy You Challenge! I think we could all use more touches of fantasy in our lives!

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Marley, love love love Tilda Swinton, everything you named about her! I find that british singer Elly Jackson (La Roux) resembles her a little, younger and not so refined as Tilda.

ok maybe not a little, found a photo of them together

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Marlely, I love the group of Tilda pics. Did anyone else think that she looks much like David Bowie during his androgynous phase? Especially the pics with the shorter red hair.

Janet, you are not alone. I work in a finance and posted a JCrew ad (so easily recreated), pics of Robin Wright as Claire and Kate Hepburn in wide legged pants. I have done similar looks to all of them in the past. Not anywhere near as well as they do though so I guess mine are also just a much better version of me. I have found it very inspiring though and feel my interest in fashion has really been spurred on by this thread.

So much fun!!

Such a fun thread! I love that so many of your are your fantasy selves.

The first pic that comes to mind for me is this woman featured in a HONY post. I have posted here about it before.

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This is incredibly fun. I loved reading / viewing everyone's images and thoughts. I found it difficult to locate one image / person and was so impressed by anyone who was able to do that!

I am definitely thinking style broadly here. But each of these people has something that in my fantasy life I would love a taste of.

Stella Tenant (perfect androgynous drama) +
Michelle Williams (perfect hair, swoonworthy 60s mod-influenced fashion choices) +
Elvis Costello (virtuosity, constant reinvention, perfect nerdy fashion sense) + Ines de la Fressange (inherent joie de vivre) +
George Saunders (elastic sense of imagination) = fantasy me

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I love your first photo, Janet! My fantasy is also just a slightly elevated version of myself.

I suppose my fantasy image is somewhere between this blogger^ (click through to "main blog" to see her inspiration), who is also my shopping hero/imaginary mentor, and Olivia Pope--down to her loungewear. I love the artsy bad-$**ness of the former, and the unapologetic (but never juvenile) femininity of the latter. Perhaps that yields something like the final pic?

^It's a crying shame that the old Style Diary site, where she first chronicled her outfits, is no more.

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Angelina Jolie in Tomb Raider, Salt or Mr. And Mrs. Smith, for sure. Tough, athletic, classically feminine (in camel, not Lycra) and nobody's fool. The last two pics are my attempts at hitting both ends of the spectrum. I can also bring home the bacon, fry it up in a pan...LOL!

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I love seeing everyone's fantasy side.
@dashielle, nice Rossi pose.

Wait, I just realized we both have Rossi helmets!!!