Hi Ledonna,
I indeed see a lookfab blog under your name. This may have happened by accident while you created the "Would You, Could You... Inspiration" thread on the forum:
Each time you create a new forum thread, you check a Category box on the left side of the page (e.g. "General", "What I Wore"). In that same column, there's also an option that says "Show this post in your lookfab blog". If that box is checked, the system automatically adds that thread to your lookfab blog, or if it's the first time you've checked that box, it creates a lookfab blog for you. I'm thinking that is what happened here.
If you'd prefer not to have a lookfab blog, you can go back to the "Would You" forum thread, click on edit, and then uncheck the "Show this post in your lookfab blog" box.
I will also check with Greg if this removes the blog completely.
Hope this helps?