You look great in the kimono. Your smile in the second pic is great too, because it says you know you look good.
Ethan looks just a couple years older than my son, also a Florida boy. Sadly, he dropped out of gymnastics a couple years ago and is losing those abilities, even though he is enjoying basketball. It takes a special kind of fierce to keep up with the practice in such an unusual pursuit as Ethan's.

Thank you so much, Jaime!

Thanks, Fashiontern! It is quite a thing watching these little ones grow and pursue their intrests, especially when you put time and money into one thing only to see them switch gears. Maybe your son will find a great love in basketball. I think Ethan would have moved on if he hadn't found parkour. That was what really helped him move out of the gymnastics bracket, while still using his skills. He also tried cheerleading but doesn't plan to pursue it any further. They do have their own minds, don't they?

Parcour, of course! I know a young man in Switzerland who was very into it 5-10 years ago.
Totally agree with you that it is a great to continually learn more about who these little people we brought into te world are.

Fabulous kimono. Amazing blue top. Incredible 'poses' by Ethan - they make my knees hurt just thinking about trying to do that - and great photography capturing them!

Loved everything. Sarah your baby is so amazing that you for sharing. My heart would have been in my throat. What a great vacation.

Wow, just wow. The kimono is great. The hair is great. The back flips are great. Well great's not the best word but I'm rather speechless here. Thanks for sharing!

Love your style lady and every time I see you, I want to cut my hair off.
The kimono looks great. I like the print and color.

Fashiontern - I am still trying to decide if they keep us young or make us old prematurely... it's a wild ride raising these young'uns.

Thank you, Rachy! And as for the photos, they we taken by me, my husband and my aunt on our phones - whoever was close enough to catch the action. There is a new feature on the iPhones where you can hold down the button when taking an action shot and it gives you a whole bunch of stills and you can choose the best one. It comes in VERY handy with this kid!!

Aww, Ledonna, yes, my baby... he will always be my baby. And he is terrifying to be around. Ugh. Why didn't I get a couch potatoe? I know... I'd be forcing him off the couch and into the yard, sigh,

Thank you, Lisa, you are sweet. And I understand the speechless part. I spent most of the vacation trying not to look at his stunts!

Citygirldc: Thank you! It's always nice to be an inspiration, and I'm always the first to encourage everyone to cut off their hair, but I love yours right now! I wouldnt change a thing! It looks so chic to me.

Loved your edgy undercut-why not keeping it???? Kimono is also a great piece- loved the new ring- and, OMG Ethan is sooooo coooool!:-)

Fabulous kimono! I like your new haircut but your old one looks great on you as well. Your photos of Ethan are amazing!