Aly: thank you for the advice- stationary or an iPad cover could certainly be a way of including some personality. Clever suggestion. A lot of teachers have stickers on their iPads and laptops. Mine is plain at the moment.
Liesbeth: thank you for your astute advice. I think you are absolutely right- I’m my quest to provide a completely neutral professional look that pleases everyone I encounter, all I’ve done is completely removed my personality from my clothing. Also I think your right in suggesting that the pieces themselves are fine, but it’s just the way I’m styling them that could be changed up a little. The pieces ARE nice, fit well and are mostly reasonably good quality.
Fashintern: thank you for your feedback. I very much like your idea of using skirts of different shapes to add that little bit of flair to a professional outfit.
The photo is of a character called Pam Beasley from season one of The Office (US version). An excellent comedy from a few years ago. Kind of a joke because she always dressed in a very conservative and repetitive way..... if you watch the series you’ll see what I mean :).
Unfrumped: wonderful advice, thank you. Actually I agree, I think where I have gone wrong is having too many tailored, conservative pieces in each outfit. And I think because the blazers I own a very dark (two black and one dark navy) they look quite “heavy” and dull, so I probably need to try using scarves or earrings to lighten things up near my face. Or at least soften my hair somehow.
Rachy: great idea about a peplum jacket. I don’t have one, but I DO have a peplum top that I could wear. It’s pretty funky and with some tailored pants or black jeans it might be just the thing.
Jessikams: yes! My hair could REALLY use some kind of update. Even a topknot challenges my hair styling skills :/.
Firecracker: thank you for the excellent advice. I think a coloured denim jacket with tailored pants is a brilliant idea :). And making use of pendants is something I should try again. For some reason lately I’ve lost confidence with wearing accessories.
Kellygirl: thanks for your feedback. Yes I think even some small pieces of jewelry would help abut just to add some sparkle here and there..... I have double piercings in each ear, so maybe I could put little sparkly studs in both sets to increase the sparkle/funkiness factor?? Rather than just a single set of studs that I often wear.
Lynette: thank you for such kind compliments! Most of my recent work wiws have been ONLY THE GOOD ONES!! Lol lol. The bad ones I haven’t photographed. I think I need to include at least one “pretty” piece into the outfit, like a ditsy print or a really feminine delicate shoe. That would increase my happiness factor.