Merry Christmas everyone. I thought I would make this a Christmas themed post this week

Just to start things off, remember the idea is to spread to feelings of cheer and perk ourselves up. A lot of us get very stressed around this time and we feel tired and ready for a rest over the festive break. So,sit down with a coffee, hot chocolate, tea or indeed something stronger if you're not driving and share some things you are looking forward to, or things you've felt grateful for this last week. I thought also it might be nice if you shared a favourite Christmas memory, or a link to a favourite Christmas song or hymn.

My turn:

I'm feeling happy to have finished work for the holidays. I did my last fitting last night for something to be finished in the new year and the last few alterations were collected today, yay!

My lovely, kind, thoughtful, funny and intelligent son turned 10 this week We took him and two pals to the cinema and MacDonalds on Sunday and on Tuesday we had a family party. Happy times.

Yesterday I did the big pre festivities grocery shop, phew! Glad to get that out of the way!

Finally a fond memory of Christmas time 2 years ago was when we had proper snow ( a rare occurrence at this time of year in the UK) and went on Christmas Eve to a local attraction which is a Victorian village where we went on a Santa hunt with DS. Such fun, though extremely cold!

Finally two of my favourite tunes at Christmas; the first is Wham's 'Last Christmas' : The second is 'Silent Night' a beautiful hymn which I remember hearing at one of my sons nativity plays some years back. It really brought a tear or two to my eyes :

Over to you now...