It has been up-lifting to read everyone's happy moments. I am delighted to be able to spend Christmas with DS2 and DDIL. Yesterday we helped with Father Woody's Christmas Party for the homeless in Denver. It was humbling and very special ..and cold outside. Today we took a beautiful scenic drive in the mountains with light snow falling and also saw some of the flood damage from last fall. We also got a call from DS1 who is traveling in Thailand. In spite of having his shoes and socks stolen while bathing his elephant, unusual low temperatures and a bike accident, he is grateful for all the good, helpful strangers that he has met, and so am I!
ETA: as far as favorite Christmas music, I love all the old religious carols, Handal's Messiah, and my favorite new songs are Mary, Did You Know
And Breath of Heaven

Because of my husband's line of work we are always very aware of tragedies that occur around the holidays. While it breaks my heart to hear of family's losses, it reminds me to hold mine close and dear and to be thankful for the gift of a normal, hectic holiday season. This will be our first "real" Christmas with our daughter (she was 3 weeks old last year) so we are super excited for the experience. One of my favorite newer Christmas songs is "I Need A Silent Night" by Amy Grant.

Thanks for sharing those photos Ceit. I'm glad you still have power and are all safe and well to enjoy a spot of sledging.

Joy, your family Christmas sounds good and how great it must be to hear that your son in Thailand is ok. It sounds like he's had quite a time! Thanks for the music link.

When you mentioned your daughter's first Christmas it reminded me of my son's first. I had him one week before the big day so he was 1yr old for his first proper one and was cruising and trying to walk. He's 10 now! Enjoy your special family time Aviamariah.