Well, similar if not exactly. Though I have 2 Patricia Nash the same and another similar.
I think sometimes it comes down to the functionality you note in some of your bags above. I have bought some bags I thought were a good shape/size and color and also style of function, and then found something unexpectedly difficult. For example, I don't really do larger structured bags like Angie's, but I found that a couple of my handbags were too soft, so that they didn't maintain and opening very well when tried to put things back in--I would keep stuffing my wallet there and just hitting the outside. Another was maybe similar to one of the problems you described--the top opened actually too wide and I felt like things were not as secure-might fall out, or in essence the usable volume of the bag was less than it appeared.
When looking at them in stores, I'll actually take out the packing and put in some of my stuff, wallet, phone, see how things fit (pre-pandemic).
It's tricky now if they don't have phone pocket/slot that is big enough anymore, even though I have tried to get the smallest smartphone, not the ever-growing ones.
For many years I've liked medium-sized "shoppers" with double shoulder straps--these just seemed most comfortable during errands--I think I had my shoulder "trained" to them, and also, if not overstuffed, they would lie under arm comfortably and not be too bulky for my frame--, but some of those are looking not as much "me" now and I'm leaning toward smaller, but not tiny, purses with a shoulder strap but NOT wearing as cross-body, so need to be adjustable or not too long.
So one problem of duplicating too much is if and when one's preferences change, then may have too much inventory in a previous style.
However, I don't think that's a problem for a couple different colors, or for people who are just sure of their preferences.