Okay moops (channeling rachylou here), I have pulled out the steamer and dug deep in order to give this blazer a chance.

I don't think all these stylings necessarily work, but I was experimenting, and I'm curious to know what you all think, and if you have any more ideas.

I had a hard time getting it to work with Amour Vert top (4 and 5), so I'm a bit concerned about that. I also abandoned trying to make it work with my cropped black pants. None of these things are necessarily dealbreakers. What do you think about the mixed stripes?

I WOULD need to find a pair of skinny jeans. I'm wearing the Good American ones that came closest to fitting here, but I currently don't have any skinnies in my closet. I also don't have any wide legs yet. Come to think of it, the bottoms situation is a little dire, so that needs to be rectified regardless.

Also, I managed to scrunch the sleeves, and I can definitely wear a black silk tank under, but I didn't photograph that.

(pics coming)

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