So. How are you doing with your 2019 aspirations for fitness, health, and wellbeing?

My goal is to hit the gym 3 times a week or 13 times a month, in addition to leading an active lifestyle of long walks and days in the garden. I'm close, at 76 days - 2 days short of where I 'should' be. I was ahead of my goal until June, when the weather turned from cold and rainy to sunny and warm - and I spent long days in the garden and had no reserves for the gym. This is not really a bad thing, so I'm not going to beat myself up about it.

I did run out of vitamins, and went without for two weeks. Felt run down and tired. Started taking them again and noticed an immediate improvement in energy levels. Just a generic multi for women 50+. Might be missing something in my diet?

A new month, so I resolve to pick up my gym practice in order to stay on target. I need the weight training to feel my best, anyway. How about you? On target, or time to adjust your goals?