After my January challenge I set out to revisit closet orphans, items that where under used, or yes, items that had not been worn. My goal was at least once a week my outfit would have at least 1 item from one of these groups. This week I had 2 outfits

In the 1st, I used old items that I haven’t worn in a long time, but still like enough to have keeper. The vest was an item I thrifted very early in my item here on YLF. I was (still am) inspired by the thrifting powers of so many fabbers. So it’s probably been in my closet 10ish years, no idea how old it actually is. Worn with a J+ Uniqlo blazer, I think this was from the 1st collection, which google tells me was 2009. Used to wear this blazer a ton when we were business casual, but over time it’s gotten less and less love. But held on to it because it’s great quality. Levi’s 501s and Chelsea boots round out the outfit. Would not have worn this before the January challenge, but that challenge helped me get out of my head, re what will people think, and more on the wear the clothes that make you happy mindset.

2nd outfit is a sweater that I bought back in early fall that I really like, but for some reason had not worn, so I cut the tags and wore it. I did manage to get a little lunch on my sleeve, so now it’s in the wash. But I wearing it helped me to understand why I bought it, I know that sounds silly, but don’t know how else to word it. I can see this being a piece that’s in my closet for a long time, and that gets lots of love.

Thanks for looking. As always all comments and suggestions are welcome and appreciated

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