I am half way through the challenge and I must admit, I find it harder then expected. I can’t come up with new or interesting combinations and I am trying to pinpoint why. So hopefully some useful revelation will come up from this. My suspicion is that most of my pants are from the same 'era', when I first lost weight in 2019. Because of many years of wardrobe fluctuations, I was constantly refreshing my wardrobe, but based on only one criteria - if something was not fitting anymore. But now that my weight is more stable and everything still kind of fit, I keep wearing the same things. I think little wardrobe refresh is in order, but because I do one in and one out and can’t easily find anything that should go out, I hesitate. My expected weight gain has stalled and I even lost little bit of what I gained, but this is actually not a good news, just that my medications need adjustment. Will go tomorrow to check my blood.

Ok, so enough rambling and back to the outfit. This is really bad spot for taking photos, colors are never right and there are too many shadows. Darks are not black but navy, I took some closeups to show colors better. Blazer has little sparkle on it. Colors of the coat and pants are much more similar. And even though bag seems not to mach anything, there is a taupe color of the bag repeated in the scarf pattern. Just kidding LOL, I was too lazy to switch the bag.
How do you decide to let go of something if it still fits and is in good condition, without guilt? But if I don’t I would not be able to get anything new ever.

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