Well lately I have fallen off the Extra wagon a bit as we have a lot going on. My two DDs have graduated high school, DS is finishing up university, my sister was here for a week, my SIL is coming next week, and other and various sundry things going on.
But I still get dressed:
1. It occurs to me that this blouse is a bit Mermaidesque in color.
2. Directly inspired by Carla's matching hat thread I pulled out a bag to match my hat on a recent trip to Tel Aviv.
3. Just a typical me outfit and example of shoes that seemed super comfortable but eventually cut a blister into the top of my feet. I haven't decided if I can break them in or not.
4. I only have a selfie from DD2's graduation.
5. DD1 requested a bottle of champagne for her graduation. I should point out that graduation in Israel does not involve cap and gown but is more like a show and speeches with a *lot* of hugging and thanking.

Thanks for looking - any thoughts, questions or suggestions are always appreciated!

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