What are your thoughts on dungarees on the older woman?(I am in my fifties)

I have long resisted a pair as my teenage daughter wears them and l didn’t want to cramp her style but she’s gone away to college so l can wear what l want (which could be a good thing or a could be a bad thing!)But l have spotted a pair now that l am very tempted by
l have seen some very stylish older women looking great in them but l am a-bit conflicted as to whether they are a little bit girlish or conversely, an example of ageless dressing .

l think another reason for my hesitation is that at my age l was starting to feel a style shift towards slightly more elegant and less functional clothing as l transistioned back from full time MOTG to being a couple again but the pandemic has put a kibosh on that and lve ended up in even more casual,functional clothing than l ever wore before .So the upshot is that l feel like l have totally lost my objectivity on what’s appropriate for me to wear.Hence the question.What do you think?
Do you wear dungarees yourself or not? And why?
l am genuinely interested in your thoughts and there are no right or wrong opinions so please be frank and thank you in advance for your contribution.