Hi all. This is a departure, because I'm not asking for wardrobe building advice, or true fashion input. Sometimes life throws a temporary fashion curveball, if you know what I mean.

I'm having both knees replaced this year, which means much of my pants wardrobe--especially jeans of every color--will be unwearable during my recovery, what with swollen, sore knees and all. I will especially miss my white jeans, which I lived in last year, because I have so many cute, lovely summer tops. I mean, I love my summer wardrobe and would like to wear my favorite parts of it this year.

I've recovered from surgeries before and have always found that dressing in "normal" clothing elevates my spirits and gives me more energy. "Look good, feel good" is one of my mantras. I conquered the "swelly-belly" of one abdominal surgery by sizing up with two pairs of elastic waist pants and wearing lots of Eileen Fisher tops for a while. Then my body returned to normal and I was back to my smaller pants.

This recovery will be a little different. It will be longer, for one thing: three or more months before the swelling in my knees goes down enough for me to easily slip into denim. I'll be spending a lot of time in a recliner or bed at first, icing my knees. Shorts are an option, I suppose, but I don't like the way I look in them and my legs will be even less attractive, i.e. swollen and fresh scars, than usual. Knit pants, however, are exactly the thing.

I own Lands End Starfish pants in black and navy, full length and cropped, so can continue with those. They don't come in white, though! White, full-length knit pants in size 18 that are well-made, fit me, and don't look like pajama bottoms are tough to find.

I can deal with almost anything else: pain, not a problem; having to binge-watch Netflix shows for a while, I can handle; only being able to shop online for the next several months... well, that's how I shop anyway. Girlfriends can visit me for lunch and bring their favorite take-out. But... I want to look cute in my recliner. I want to be a vision of positivity when using my walker at first and my cane later (yes, I plan to bling it with purse charms).

So... does anyone have ideas on where I might find WHITE knit, not skinny, full-length (I've got cropped covered) cotton (for breathability and because ice packs do evil things to polyester) pants? Frumpy doesn't matter. I can elevate with my tops and clever jewelry.

Temporary wardrobe adjustment for the win!