After I read the Blog post I scrolled through my outfit pics to see if they support how I would assess my fashion personas and how I feel I combine them.

I think they do.

I’m not always good at naming my style but I favour Japanese inspired, architectural and slightly avant garde looks but I also find myself drawn to modern classic elements too. If my work day calls for it, I will forfeit my more interesting pieces for a truly modern classic look however most of that time I will combine the two.

Outfit 1 is a dress layered under a top. Oversized, Japanese design, and what I would wear every day if I was dressing solely for myself (no work constraints etc)

Outfit 2 is a Japanese linen Sarong inspired skirt worn with a classic blazer

Outfit 3 is a suit I wear to work. Classic cut blazer and ankle pants in a pinstripe but the pants have an interesting wrap detail.

I feel there is a lot of consistency in my looks which got me thinking maybe I have morphed my two fashion personas into one new persona??

Thanks for looking

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