Summers are becoming hotter and hotter where I live and this one is being particularly tough. 37-40 deg Celsius (with high humidity), scorching sun, draught, horribly warm sea water ….

I have started reflecting that if things go on like this I will have to change my habits.

First, my favorite place for vacationing has always been the seaside, but from now on I will happily go to the mountains or anyway to some fresh place! (I cannot believe I am saying such a thing ...).

Wardrobe wise my habits will have to change as well.

Less Summer pants (2-3 will be more than enough) and more light- weight, breathable dresses and long flowing skirts – of which I have a lack in my wardobe at present. I only have 2 dresses (but both are somewhat place-holders) and 1 light, long skirt. I have often struggled this Summer to get dressed!

Oh, and a hat could become a must! I have an old large-brimmed straw hat that I have never worn and this year I decided to take it along for a seaside vacation in July - and I was sooo happy I did!

What about you? Is the global warming affecting your habits?
(wardrobe-wise and not).

Fabbers who live in hot climates – can you share some wisdom about how to deal with the Big Heat?
