Ooooh, a "what would Angie do?" post! I love it!
The cherries sweater (#3) -- so fun! -- looks like a Boden take on the Gucci cherries sweater that was so popular a few years back. But I feel like you already have some pink and red sweaters. For that reason, I don't think you'll pick this one. Here's the Gucci sweater!
The striped sweater (#1) is the wild card of the bunch. I know you'd wear it well and you're loving that neutral toffee color. Plus, Boden is known for its eye-catching color combos, and this one definitely qualifies. But ...
I can easily envision you in the Caribbean blue sweater (#2). It's YLF blue! What's not to love? Given that it's a hard-to-find color that matches your specs, and that when people buy cashmere, they tend to want it to stay current and relevant in their wardrobes for a while, this one is a slam dunk.
For me, it comes down to #1 stripes and #2 Caribbean blue. Since I own a cashmere JCrew sweater in a turquoise blue and love it, I'm gonna vote for #2!