I vote Stripes. I see you have ordered that one.

Did we help you decide?

Bonnie, you may have! Hubs Greg too

Fact is, I ALWAYS like stripes. I might tire of cherries - although the argyle makes the pattern more to my taste. I love that cherry pullover too. And might get it later!

That argyle sweater with the cherries! I love it.

Cherries + Argyle = Preppy Perfection. I vote for #3!

Ah, if hub Greg likes the stripes there is nothing else we can say! But I think Suz had the best suggestion! Jokes apart, these three sweaters are so delicious that one would be very tempted to get them all. Any of them would look fabulous on you!

Great decision! Maybe a little room will open up in your budget for the argyle during the sales

Karie and Rock, I went with the stripes for now. Maybe the cherries will be mine at some point

Style Fan, the stripes are on the way.

Bella, yes! That's my plan.

Sisi, thanks for your sweet words!

Yay, stripes! This might be the first time I've been correct in guessing what you'd pick! After 17 years on YLF, I might finally be catching on.

Definitely #1 stripes. Haven't had a chance to see what others voted but I'm suspecting it's #1 because it's so you.

Oh, and I just saw you made your decision already...

Oh, and I just saw you made your decision already...

Laura, you are pretty much bang on the money in my experience

JP, I'm smiling!

Glad you went for the stripes - the cherry argyle is giving me Gymboree children’s clothes I bought for my young daughters in the early 2000’s. Stripes have more longevity.

Cherries for sure...most unusual.

Cheryl, the stripes are here, and I'm wearing them NOW! Love

Carol, I am STILL thinking about the cherries.....

I think you would wear the stripes the most. All are winners.

Thanks, Joy! I bought the stripe and am already wearing it
