Whoa. Unsurprisingly, this thread took on a life of its own while I was away. That always happens when you suggest that there might be outside factors that affect what we choose to wear. What I'm saying is, I knew there would be a minor freak-out to the tune of 'what are you talking about, who cares what anyone else thinks, age is only a number/state of mind/social construct and I'm super confident and I can wear leather pants if I want to thankyouverymuch!!!' And yes, you can. Am I going to? At this point, no.
So, to be clear, I'm not mocking anyone, ever. Everyone is free to wear whatever they want and be happy doing it.
Secondly, I'm talking about the specific kind of black leather pants that call up images of sex, drugs and rock n' roll. Rock star pants. The kind worn by both men and women. So I wasn't really starting a thread about 'sexy' clothes and ageism as it applies to females. The whole MDAL topic is fraught, for sure, but it wasn't my focus here.
Thirdly, women of all ages and sizes can look fantastic in all leather pants, but someone who wears the rock star pants -- such an iconic garment -- and doesn't have the the right qualifiers (history of hard rock style, actual rock star status, or a motorcycle) looks like someone dealing with their midlife crisis in a superficial, obvious and funny way. Like Ross on Friends. I don't think I want to send that message! (Now, if I'm seized by the desire to buy leather pants and I'm in my late sixties or early seventies, things might be different).
Lastly -- and let me be very clear about this because I think someone suggested that I was saying you have to be thin to wear leather pants -- I do not think that body size or shape is a factor when it comes to looking gorgeous in leather pants.
I think what this discussion boils down to is this: how much do you care about how you are perceived by others? For me, it's not a binary thing. I'm not paralyzed by caring, but I'm also aware that I don't exist in a vacuum, and part of the reason I like fashion and style is because it allows you to project a certain image. I'm not lacking in confidence. I hope the message I send is 'stylish woman' and not 'desperate-to-look-cool woman'!