Wow, you look stunning.

I love your DH's reaction, what a gem!! My Mum was similar in that she loved it when I was dressed up but wanted me to stay away from black and most neutrals other than white and cream and when it came to denim, she was never a fan of distressed or frayed jeans.

Gorgeous eye candy. I'm no pattern mixer myself, but the tee and skirt are stellar together. I love your new bag. As a big fan of neutral colors and muted metallics, this outfit ticked so many boxes for me.

I love age and patina to metallics, too-and I see you're back to your trademark of glamorous byzantine looks which I cannot tire of-love the lemming bag---it's UNIQUE and the best accessory here! YLF!!!

Love the leaping to your defense even when not necessary! Also, is your mom coming ‘round to boots & skirts, or was the list just too long already?

Brooklyn, do you have Essie in the Land of Oz? They are continually releasing beautiful nail colors, and they do the most gorgeous shimmery metallics!

Mary Beth, I looked them up and they are available here. I will check them out, thanks! I might paint my nails for Xmas.

Fash, yes mum has come around a bit to the boots and skirt look. I think that movie Anna gave me credibility in her eyes! She is also coming around to the asymmetric skirts. She likes my Joseph one.

Bijou, thanks! I don’t think mum’s ever going to be on board with distressing. Maybe if a member of the Royal family starts doing it.

Lyn, thanks. I love the bag too! I wouldn’t mind one in another colour…

Kate, thanks! Great to have another muted metallic fan here. They are surprisingly hard to find I think.

And thanks Aquamarine and Jonesy!