There's been some really great discussion today in threads by Lisa and Nemosmom, about wearing things that feel off, or feel loud when you're used to feeling more subdued or serious, etc. Something can look fabulous, fresh, modern and creative (as Lisa's ootd does) but not necessarily feel right. But does that mean we should never step outside the box?

In chatting, Nemo thought about having a capsule that would be a place to have some of those 'out there' (to the wearer personally) items that are appealing, push the boundaries, and don't necessarily speak to us daily, but do speak to us for some reason. I mentioned a 'boredom buster' capsule - a capsule that is intentionally curated to challenge the usual on those days when we feel like trying something new, without the pressure of a style shift, being on team wear with those items, or even having to have these items fit into your wardrobe (of course they need to be wearable!).

What would be in your boredom buster capsule? What things to you keep buying but they don't fit into your usual style - but you obviously have something to learn from them, or do get joy out of them on occasion, just because they are different?

My boredom buster capsule would definitely need to consist of:

  • something in a bold and bright colour - probably both a top and a bottom
  • big earrings
  • statement necklaces
  • a shoe in a fun colour
  • a different silhouette from my usual tailored styles, especially in a top
  • something loungey that's wearable out and about
  • something totally impractical that I just like cuz its so pretty

Come to think of it, I have most of these items, giving me regular guilt rather than occasional joy! Hmm, a closet re-org methinks ...