Hi all, just a quick post to share my newest hair colour which is actually my old hair colour Always fun to do a change! My stylist did my base with my natural colour (not gray ha! the original natural dark brown) and then ran a soft chocolate gloss through the rest, so it has some dimension and is alot softer than how my last stylist did my brunette.

Photo of the blonde for comparison (it looks deceptively light in that photo because the blonde highlights were primarily around my face).

I can now saw I've had every hair colour - brunette, blonde, red (when I was young this was my dye colour of choice) and gray (at least at the roots ha!) Brunette is my favourite for myself still, but it's fun to play so who knows what other colours I might try

Are you doing anything fun with your hair lately?

ETA - my pre-any sort of dye natural colour - horrible photo but it does show my natural almost-black hair

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