Cannot pick fave, you look smashing in both hair colors-so fun you can change things so dramatically at no cost!:-)

The blonde was pretty but I think brunette is an even better match with your skin-tone (from what I can see in photos), could be wrong.

Thank you so much everyone for the kind comments! I agree with those who think brunette is best ... my natural colour is even darker, so this slightly softer chocolate brunette looks more natural while also being kinder to my skin as I get older.

The blonde is fun though and I would definitely do it again - for someone who overthinks most things, I'm actually not too fussed about hair - it grows out/back! We'll see what choices I make as I gray - I wanted to try blonde because it's a bit kinder on re-growth (roots aren't as noticeable) ... but the bleach took a toll on my hair's texture, so I sort of robbed Peter to pay Paul with that one ...

I like the brown so much better! Would love to see its natural color.

SF, I added a photo with my original colour (I know it was dye free because I didn't dye at all when I was pregnant - so it's an old photo ha!) ... pretty dark, but the equivalent dye colour depth-wise is extremely heavy on me, so lighter brown works much better for sure.