HI BM !!! ( and Maya ) ! It is so nice to "see" you both.
To the topic at hand. I was fascinated by Sylvie's posts about this. This stuff is always very intriguing to me. However, I am always a little put off by anything that claims to help you "discover" your "truth". Oprah really started that bandwagon. And though I respect Oprah, I have no idea what anyone is really talking about because the language is just so vague. It reminds me of phsychotherapy..( which I believe in ) with a new twist for marketing and selling. I could get all crazy and philosphical, OK, I will. What is "truth" ? Is is feeling comfortable in your clothes, in your skin, in the colors ? Can I express my truth all the time ?
I guess that taking a course, on fashion, will not help me find my "truth". It is a life long journey, a process that can't be encapsulated in what I wear.
But maybe it will make me look good.