Thanks all for the hair compliments. Besides the cut, the stylist showed me a certain way to wash and add product on my hair with minimum disruption to the curls. She really took her time and asked a lot of questions to get to know my hair. The appointment lasted almost 2 1/2 hours for the cut, wash, and sitting under the dryer. (My hair is very coarse and thick and takes a long time to dry.) I'm due for a trim and I'm looking forward to it.
Firecracker, Marley, Neelie, Suz - Heh, I've always wanted a pair of geeky glasses. Until now, never found one that looked right. The metallic flecks sealed the deal!
Vicki - I never was a one bag girl. Kudos to those who find the all purpose bag to suit all their needs. On many occasions I have forgotten something when I hurried to switch bags on my way out. I'm working on whittling my necessities and finding just the right little container to make the purse switcheroo easier.
Aida - The inspired look is soft too? I thought since her lines were crisp and clean, it fell under the hard edge category even though the colors were light. Oh well, I still have a lot to learn.
Angie - Thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to stop by! Squee! It will be so FAB to meet you and hear your accent, witness your speed walk, and your styling skills in real life! Can't wait!
Texstyle - I didn't know you lived nearby! PM me if you want the name of the salon. Maybe we can arrange our appointments around the same time and have a salon meet-up!