I have enjoyed reading your threads on year-end evaluation and new year's plans. I’m learning so much from you as you analyze your wardrobes. Sorry I haven't commented much yet. Haven't gotten around to thinking about my own plans yet.

We decided to go to Maui this year instead of Chicago. I had watched the weather report for at least a week before: always 80s and sunny until a couple of days before we left. At the last minute, forecast changed to clouds, off and on rain, and low to mid-70s.

Most visitors didn’t mind cooler weather at all, especially if it was snowing where they came from. I brought 3 sleeveless tops and a skirt I didn’t wear. I wore my long sleeved tops more days than planned. The joy of aging! Lots of complaints about something in the air causing allergies. I was affected. I pretty much lost my voice by the end of the week-long trip, but it didn’t stop me from long walks up and down hills and strolls on the beach.

Btw, Lahaina is still closed and temporary walls along the highway prevented us from seeing much of the damage. In certain sections we could see into burn areas and the devastation there. So glad we didn’t cancel our trip—we did our best to add to the tourist economy. We did visit Kaanapali Beach and what 58 1/2 years ago was the Kaanapali Hotel, where we spent the first few days of our honeymoon. Obviously, much has changed.

Maui is still a beautiful place with the friendliest people.

One puzzling fashion note: grown women wearing above the knee, full, tiered or ruffled little girl dresses? Yes, the kind my sisters and I wore as little girls. Must be a new look to most people.

I bought 2 short sleeved Hawaii t shirts, and Mr. M and I both bought half-zip long-sleeved tops. Best day was when we went to Wailea—allergies abated and in checking out the Tommy Bahama store, I found a perfect sweatshirt (their name, not mine) for me. Lightweight knit, fun pattern.

Back home and people still complaining of allergies. Common problem in Hawaii and here: mold. Right now it’s the only allergen listed here. I’m getting better. I don’t step outside the door without my N95 mask on.

#1 My welcoming lei. Only wore it first day, but housekeeper arranged it for me. It lasted the week.

#2 in our tops bought at hotel. Even Mr. M got a bit chilly at times.

#3 distorted photo of me on walk on our last day.

#4 Last lunch at the Beach Hut.

#5 & 6 And the Tommy Bahama cardigan/sweatshirt.

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