Tee hee. I'm not a good drawer, so there's a lot of outtakes as well. Some of them are pretty painful.
@ Nayda - oh, the boots are so dreamy! I hope there aren't too many puddles!
@ Linda - I should show you guys the bad pics too!
@ Suz - Now, now, no overdosing on cute I kind of get bitter about guys calling me cute though - sometimes a girl doesn't want to be like fluffy bunnies, you know?
@ Natalie - Heck yeah, and I won't let anyone forget it!! Haha. I travel with a sharpie for signing autographs. (Actually, I use it to mark limbs or sides for surgery).
@ Rachylou - Me too! I used to hate stripes! Can you imagine??
@ Day Vies - I love pattern mixing too! It's so much fun! Sometimes too much makes me go ... huh?
@ Dianthus - I can't wait to wear them together! Slouchy sailor style!
@ Runcarla - I think I'm going to take a break from dating right now, although I'm always open to meeting new friends
@ Bj1111 - I think my friends have had enough of my humour for now!
@ Nicole D - The funny thing is, I haven't touched a single patient in public health! It's weird. I don't think I really get public health - I'm more about health on the individual patient level than at a population level, I think!