Angie, you're so right that I am lucky in Mr. Suz. He deserves a huge amount of credit for his positive, loving, and open attitude. His support makes it much easier for me to accept myself.
But here is a little story that it might help others to hear. He wasn't always this way. When we first got together, he often commented negatively about my clothes. He is a bit older than I am and so his tastes were formed in a different generation. He had an overactive poison eye. And he wasn't used to me. Occasionally he even commented negatively about my body. At that age I was awfully self-conscious about my supposed "flaws" and it did not help me to hear his opinion of them.
I was very hurt.
So I told him. I said, it hurts me when you talk to me that way, and if this continues I can't be in a relationship with you. It is okay to tell me (if I ask) that you don't like this or that article of clothing, but I don't want to hear negative comments about my body.
To his credit, he changed. He actually changed!!
Human beings are amazing creatures when you think of it.
I don't mean he changed overnight or perfectly or easily -- do any of us? But the negative comments about my body stopped immediately. And the ones about fashion stopped eventually. Every now and then he lifts his eyebrow or starts to comment about something I've ordered online and am trying out, but all I have to do is lift my own eyebrow back at him and he stops.
This is one of the reasons I am with him, actually. I so admire his ability to refocus on what is truly important, his hard work, and his commitment to growth. If someone is perfect from the start, what's to admire? It's the hard-won virtues that get my respect.
Now that I'm on YLF of course he has nothing negative whatever to say.
Xtabay, I loved that you quoted Hamlet. What an intelligent bunch we are here.