We recently spent a week in New England visiting family — with hot and humid weather very different from Seattle’s summer climate. I was pretty worried about putting together a travel capsule that would work in those conditions but I think I did pretty well, and people like travel capsule posts (I think...right?) so I thought I would share.

Photo 1: Everything. I’m not inclined to adhere to a rigid color palette for travel wardrobes. I think a narrow palette is unnecessary as long as you keep color and pattern in a consistent “slot” or place in outfits (in my case mostly in tops and to a lesser degree toppers). Even though I was expecting hot weather I included toppers in case of Arctic air conditioning.

Photo 2: Travel outfits. Sunflower sundress on the way out, black knit skirt and Breton tank on the way back. Blue tennies and cardi (in case of cold plane ride) with both.

Photo 3: Navy shorts, Liberty-print popover (I’m actually not sure if the background is black or navy, but whatever, it works), gold sandals. Hanging out at my MIL’s house in western MA & walking around town, then off to my sister’s place in CT.

Photo 4: Black knit skirt, Liberty-print popover (#QueenDuplication), gold sandals. Checking out my sister’s new lake house/crash pad for when she’s on call at work, and making a Home Goods run to help outfit the place.

Photo 5: Light blue linen skirt, Breton tank, blue tennies. Cardi and rain jacket came out for early-evening thundershower. Drive from CT back to MA, birthday lunch with my kiddo, then drive with husband to southern VT for a little getaway on our own.

Photo 6: Boho print midi sundress, light lavender cardi, gold sandals. Museum hopping in the Berkshires with husband.

Photo 7: Sunflower sundress, light lavender cardi, blue tennies. More museum-going, then drive back to MIL’s place.

Photo 8: Unworn items. I actually wore the floral sweatshirt over my pjs in the mornings (both bc it was cooler and bc my pj top is not super presentable for non-family). I threw the silk tank in in case I wanted to dress up a bit for dinner out with my husband, but didn’t end up doing so. Gear tennies were in case of hiking or the like, but it was just too hot for outdoor activities to hold any appeal. Linen button-up: my idea was that this would be a lighter weight topper option for sundresses etc., but when it came down to it I chose the cardi because I could wad it up and stuff it in my bag when I wasn’t wearing it. Striped summer scarf: unnecessary unless we’re going to the coast, I think. Duplicate Breton tank: just ended up re-wearing the first one, but good to have on hand.

If I had to do it over again, I’d leave the gear tennies, linen button-up, and scarf at home.

Most items only got worn once, but I’m satisfied with that. I didn’t want to depend on a lot of re-wearing because I was concerned things would get too sweaty, and since I wasn’t staying in the same place more than 2 nights in a row laundry would be difficult.

Thanks for looking! Grateful for any observations, comments, or suggestions you would like to share.

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