I have been keeping a list of outfits I've worn over the past several months, and recently got a new iPhone, so I'm posting a giant drop of WIWs! Some casual about town (I wear loungewear at home), a few from travel we did for the holidays, some work looks, and some dressy evening looks!

Pardon the smudges on the mirror in some pics :). In a few cases, I've included a close-up to show details, and I've included a few outerwear pics too.

1-8: Casual.
9-12: Travel to the in-laws' apt for the holidays. This was during the bitter cold weather, and they keep their place at approximately 80 degrees F, so I needed to be able to wear boots for outside, boiled wool house clogs during the day, and layers. #9 and #12 are car travel outfits.
13-23: Work.
24-33: Dressy going out looks (symphony, out to dinner, etc.).

Feedback and comments always welcome!

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