Oh, I know ALL about smoke and mirrors, believe me. $200 does seem expensive for jeans, I agree. I think of NYDJ as a moderately priced line here, but must admit that the one pair of their jeans I owned (and wore out) were thrifted for less than $20. The new Gap Resolution jeans fit very like those, so I bought them in a few colors--on sale. I don't like paying a lot for jeans, either!

I didn't know NYDJ made a deep cuff jean like this, it's much more fashion forward than what I usually see them offer at places like Nordstrom. It's a really great outfit and your hot yoga is paying off, you look tiny!

You look smashing! That necklace is gorgeous....I love those sandals...and I wish I had that blazer! And your hair is super-duper awesome! Do I even need to say more?

I like the cut of the blazer (seems straighter? looks nice on you!). I don't understand what a 'fashion-forward' jean is, so to me, your jeans look great.

Fabulous Lisa! Coveting your beautiful blazer, jewellery and footwear. And I am no connoisseur of denim, but the jeans look great. Effortless chic.

You have great style. Love this look!

You look so chic, cool and sophisticated. Really beautiful, too. I'm with you in that I have always loved the look of blazers with jeans so I will be trying to copy this look.

I just bought my first pair of NYDJ ponte pants and I love the fit and feel so much I will be trying their denim. I feel that if they fit and flatter it doesn't matter who makes them or the perceived quality.

good point Colette - it's all perception and relevance to the wearer, isn't it!