Thanks, Roberta! I really enjoy looking back at the end of each year!
Gretchen, it's interesting, even to me, to see all the Finds together!
JenniNZ, I always write down personal and professional goals at the start of the year, but I think last year was the first time I did style goals. I will definitely be doing it again!
rachylou, my regular hair styling routine involves spritzing with sea salt and scrunching and.... yeah, just that. That's why it's so important to keep up on the cuts!
Suz, it's been pretty interesting dipping my toes into California life this year! I've been out there about once a month since we got the apartment in October, so I feel like I'll have a pretty good grasp of my needs by the time we move this summer.
Aww thanks, nemosmom! I might not have succeeded at all my goals, but writing them down did make me more aware throughout the year.
Thanks, Bonnie! You, of course, have to imagine these paired with my essentials in denim, black, and cognac leather!
I'm glad you enjoyed it, Canada!
karen13, I'm not even sure why it felt like it didn't work. Maybe because I prefer the look of more structured a-line skirts, but felt more comfortable and productive in knit skirts? Nothing felt quite right. I think dresses are better for me in the summer, but I still haven't figured out the perfect shape for both my life and my body.
lisa p, this is the first time I've really looked at them all together, and it does tell a story, doesn't it? I'm pretty pleased that the items seem to be pretty balanced between summer, winter, and the shoulder seasons. And as I told bonnie, I do pair all those warm colors with a lot of black and denim!