With Summer in full swing in the northern hemisphere, fashion outlets are turning their attention to swimwear round-ups. And I love that many are including more size-inclusive options:

Fab Links from Our Members

April wanted to share this wow moment in Paris.

Kkards is currently intrigued by the 2×2 outfit formula, and recently watched these 2 very different YouTubers experiment and explain it… She adds: “this formula is 100% in my wheelhouse and while I’ve never set out to dress this way, I think I tend to wear this formula often. Anyway, I really liked seeing how 2 very different people interpreted it and made it their own.”

Leave the sweatpants at home. Why we need a dress code for flying.” Zoeygirl says: “I don’t think I agree, but I appreciate the nostalgia of an era when one dressed up to fly.”

She also thought this premise might appeal to many Fabbers: “Why not to have a 12-piece capsule wardrobe.

Minaminu really enjoyed this article, with lots of suggestions on how to fall back in love with your own wardrobe.

Nuancedream finds it discouraging that clothing brands, especially luxury brands, now view models over 50 as being too risky for the bottom line.

Another reason to wash new clothes before you wear them,” says Jaime.

She also loved this excellent 2014 article on how modern dress developed.

Don’t mess with my face. Confessions of a make-up artist.” OliveGreen adds: “I don’t wear makeup anymore, but regard it as a wonderful tool in the hands of an artist. Just mind-boggling effects.”

Quietloud is currently trying to come up with her style descriptors, and found Allison Bornstein’s 3-word method interesting.

Mary Beth thought these tips on how to make your own thrift box/bundle might help when it comes to shopping a more cohesive seasonal capsule or vacation wardrobe.