For anyone who has ever admired the style of a character in their favourite movie or TV shows: “How (and Why) We Became Obsessed With Dressing Like Our Favourite TV Characters.”

If you’d like to buy an outfit you spotted on a show, then Shop Your TV — a website with upwards of 500 shows with wardrobe archives that have allowed users to shop clothes episode by episode — is an interesting resource.

The Guardian recently started a TV style icons of 2020 series, celebrating “the small-screen stars who have given us sartorial inspiration this year.” I certainly enjoyed the Schitt’s Creek Absolutely Fabulous Fashion Overload instalment.

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Nuancedream says it’s disappointing but not surprising to learn that the commitment of some beauty brands to diversity and inclusion was fleeting.

Firecracker loves that some new US representatives are shedding light on how expensive it is for women to dress professionally, and how they are helping each other find ways to create a professional style on a budget.

Canadian blogger/vlogger Christie Ressel recently posted a video about how to build a capsule wardrobe. La Belle Demimondaine doesn’t think it has any new or groundbreaking ideas, but seeing it visually, gives her some ideas on how to create new outfits from what she already has.

Here’s a new trend for us all to love, quips UmmLila.

Fashintern directs us to this article about how fashion’s use of the term “urban” is problematic.

Talking about an “oldie but goodie outfit”, says Runcarla: Prince Charles recycles “occasion wear” from 1984.

She adds that the article above was probably a lead up to the royal’s sustainable fashion collection in collaboration with Yoox Net-a-Porter. She’ll take the Prince of Wales plaid suit.